Sunday, December 28, 2008

Xmas Day 2008

One of the strange things about Christmas in New Zealand is that all the symbols of the traditional Christmas from winter in the Northern hemisphere survive as strongly as they do in the old country. Santa Claus wrapped up with boots, hat and thick overcoat, the reindeer, sleigh, holly, mistletoe, everything. Being in the Southern hemisphere, as we are, there is no snow here, and it is mid summer, so we are wearing shorts, bikinis (Anita that is, not me) and the like.
The temperature is in the 20's; eating outside is the norm, and although the sea is still fairly cold we've been swimming at Tutukaka in the sea, as well as in our next door neighbour's pool, which they have lent to us whle they are away.

A cold lunch on Christmas day of delicious New Zealand smoked salmon was had on the deck, and the Drunken duck, a Chinese recipe was saved for the evening.

Monday, December 15, 2008


Duncan is a favourite of Joe's trains and is known to get a wee bit angry at times. One of his characteristics is too sway on the track, known as 'Rocking and Rolling'.


The Weta is one of the strange creatures that only lives in New Zealand.
It is an ancient species which hasn't evolved much in the last 100 million years and has seen the dinosaurs come and go.
It lives in dark places in the forest and sheds it's exoskeleten repeatedly as it grows too big for it, which can often be found. This one is however a complete but dead weta.
There are many species of weta, some small, some huge, but they are all nocturnal.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Trip to Auckland Museum

It was a wet Saturday and Joe and dad decided to pay a visit to the museum. Joe loves the museum and has some particular favourite rooms. One is the volcano room. We had to wait for a while in the car until 10.00am which was when it opened.

Joe outside Auckland War memorial museum waiting for it to open.

Prow of a very long Maori canoe.

There is a great collection of Micronesian and Polynesian carving which Dad (Ken) was very keen on when he was here in 2002, and he did quite a few drawings of these small carved figures during several visits to the museum.

Once in Joe's favourite room we were able to see this cast of one of the incinerated victims from Pompeii and a drawing of the earth with Magma inside the earth bursting up in the form of volcanoes.

Friday, August 15, 2008

Some Lego vehicles

Isn't lego great! We are all pretty keen at making vehicles with lego, and here are a few which have been made recently. I find it quite funny putting the wrong size wheels onto a vehicle which otherwise seems well proportioned. The wheels can be too small or too big, the humourous effect is the same.

Sunday, July 27, 2008

The fish shop

Joe has used fish from a game called 'Let's Go Fishing' and a toy woodworking bench to create a fish shop. He is quite keen on buying and selling fish.

Should have posted this photo last Halloween 2008 but didn't get round to it. It is now a family tradition to carve a pumpkin every year and this is what it looked like for 2008. He's got a toothy grin this time due to a tea candle placed inside. Joe adores this tradition.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Club Champs

This weekend we have had club champs at College Rifles. I took a few photos of the open competition and Emma Rodgers and Kevin Dennerly-Minturn played, both winning their respective singles as well as combining in the mixed.

Friday, June 20, 2008

Image gathering around Auckland

I've been rumaging around Auckland city looking for unsuspecting people to photograph and buildings of interest. A few weeks ago I found this gem in a pedestrianised street off Queen Street.
It has been made into a pub which sells Belgian beer, which made it even more interesting for me.

I included it in a painting by compositing it onto the edge of a park (urban park 2)
raising it up onto a plinth so that it towers above the figure walking past.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Christmas Day 2007

After a seafood bbq, pavlova and chocolate pudding we were all a bit tired so it was time for photos on the bed.

New website

I am building a new website but it is going slowly as the method I was using to build it has become unusable. That was 'Freewebs' who are also hosting the site. There is a problem there too in that it is too slow to load.

I will find another software means of building and updating the site but in the meantime it is on hold. However once it is going properly it will be called